Spring Toddler Girl Lace Favourites

I’ve been busier than usual around here as we prepared to go away in March for a few weeks to Hawaii, so I haven’t done as much blogging as I would have liked to. I was hoping to post some of my resort looks for Ems before we left but since I ran out of time I decided to incorporate some of my vacation choices in my other posts. I am also hoping to post some Hawaii pics on here which will also talk about her resort wear outfit details. Since we returned from our winter vacation about a week ago, it appears that Spring decided to grace us with its wonderful, sunny and warm presence! The snow is basically all gone, our skin is still sun kissed (and slightly peeling) and we are ready to keep out our sandals, shorts, dresses and sun hats! Continue reading

Baby Girl Threads Boutique Winter Favourites


Although this November weather has been absolutely amazing the reality is winter is just around the corner, whether we like it or not! So, even though the snow hasn’t hit the ground here quite yet, I figured it was time to start gathering my winter favourites for not only baby girl but also for toddler girl. Because the reality also is my little girl is no longer a baby! You might notice that the blush pinks, greys and whites have carried over from my fall picks and made there way into my winter ones. They are still my faves and aren’t colours that I plan on giving up on anytime soon! Today’s winter favourite picks post is from an adorable online boutique called Threads Boutique based out of Vancouver, Canada.

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Baby Girl Fall Cat Favourites


Our family pet is a black cat named Spooky, who used to be my one and only child, or fur child as we lovingly referred to him. Once Ems came along Spooky unfortunately has not made much of a debut on my Instagram account anymore. He’s a fully black cat with bright yellow eyes, which actually makes it quite hard to get a nice photo of him as he tends to disappear into the darkness. He is still very present in our lives however and my love for cats and particularly black cats has transferred right into baby girl’s wardrobe!

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11 Months Old

FullSizeRender-84I am surprised that I am even allowing myself to write this update on her actual 11 month birthday. My usual course of practice would be to avoid it completely in hopes that if I do so she won’t actually turn 11 months and I can therefore hold onto this time a little bit longer… But here I am trying to get my thoughts together while I hold back the tears. I seriously can’t believe she’s going to be one in a month! This past month flew by. I’m having a hard time even recalling what has really occurred as it all feels like a blur.

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Five Months Old

Our baby girl turned five moths old yesterday! This last month has been a whirlwind as we experienced our first Christmas as a family of three. Although Emsley doesn’t have any idea what is going on, she has brought us so much joy! There is nothing better than seeing her eyes light up at colourful toys as well as watching her attempt to open her gifts by ripping at the wrapping paper.

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