11 Month Update

On September 21, baby brother turned 11 months old! The fact that we are almost at 12 months old already is blowing my mind. This last year has flown by and has been such an incredible experience as I’ve watched my two little ones interact together.

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6 Month Update

6 months old! A whole half a year! I remember when Ems turned 6 months old; it felt like it happened much much slower than this! I’m half way through my maternity leave with Ever and loving every minute of being home with my babes. I find the days go by so much faster with having two in the house. Since I’m breastfeeding still we haven’t sent Everton off for a sleepover yet so the odd days that Ems goes alone to one of her grandparent’s houses, I find the day drags on a bit more having just a baby in the house. I love watching the interactions between them and having a busy toddler running and talking about!

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4 Month Update

Four months old and I think Ever is experiencing his fifth cold. Sister has been super sick this week and the expression “siblings share everything” is oh so very true. Our little guy is coughing and stuffed up but true to his personality he’s still smiling throughout it! I seriously can’t get over how happy he is and how much he lights up around others. At this age, Miss Lace used to be happiest on her change table and would kick and squeal away while laying on it but this guy seems to enjoy catching people’s eyes the most!  Continue reading