11 Months Old

FullSizeRender-84I am surprised that I am even allowing myself to write this update on her actual 11 month birthday. My usual course of practice would be to avoid it completely in hopes that if I do so she won’t actually turn 11 months and I can therefore hold onto this time a little bit longer… But here I am trying to get my thoughts together while I hold back the tears. I seriously can’t believe she’s going to be one in a month! This past month flew by. I’m having a hard time even recalling what has really occurred as it all feels like a blur.

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10 Months Old

FullSizeRender 51This past month we took our first plane ride with Miss Lace! She did absolutely incredible. We took the advice of friends and nursed her during take off and this seemed to prove effective. However, while burping her after this nursing session she proceeded to puke her milk up all over mommy. I wasn’t nearly as prepared as I should have been as she hasn’t done this in a very long time. As a new mom, you quickly learn that the smell of fresh milk is quite okay compared to the smell of old milk so I took it with a grain of salt. After I air dried off the rest of the plane ride went seamlessly. She played with toys, enjoyed the multiple television screens, as well as the many interactions with the other people on the plane. The in flight safety demonstration provided her with great entertainment. Continue reading

8 Months Old

Today marks 8 wonderful months of having our sweet Emsley in our lives! I have recently mentioned on Instagram how each milestone or month that passes I find myself saying “this is the best part” only to find myself saying it again as a new milestone or stage emerges. This wonderful, tiny human being has filled my heart with great amounts of joy as she grows and develops into such a fun, silly, and exciting girl. I am so grateful each day of this motherhood journey as it only keeps getting better and better!

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