A Floral Woodland First Birthday


When I started envisioning a theme for Emsley’s first birthday party I was instantly drawn to thoughts of flowers. Since she was born in July picking a theme related to summer and the feeling of being outside felt totally appropriate. I loved the idea of a ‘Garden Tea Party’ theme in our backyard but right now our backyard lacks a fence and is full of weeds and mud (the joys of a new build!). A Garden Tea Party theme at our place could have felt really authentic but not exactly the pretty Secret Garden-esque feel that I was going for. Also, weather would have been something that I needed to consider when planning an outdoor party so I figured I would err on the side of caution and keep things indoors. Playing off my original idea of a ‘Garden Tea Party’ I decided to create a ‘Floral Woodland’ theme instead. That way I could still include lots of flowers but also mix in some wood elements, which if you’ve seen pictures of our house, I absolutely love!

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